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Dragoljub Velimirovic vs Dusan Rajkovic
Skopje Solidarnost 5th (1971) · Pirc Defense: Austrian Attack. Dragon Formation (B09) · 1-0

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Dragoljub Velimirovic vs Jovan Sofrevski
"Talkin' 'bout my Variation" (game of the day May-24-14)
YUG-ch (1965) · Sicilian Defense: Velimirovic Attack (B89) · 1-0

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Elihu S Maguire vs Dr. King
"I Have a Dream" (game of the day Jan-20-14)
corr 1899 · Russian Game: Modern Attack (C43) · 0-1

maguire_king_1899.pgn へのリンク

Potolea vs David Gedult
"Gedult Swim" (game of the day Jan-31-14)
Paris (France) 1974 ·
Italian Game: Two Knights Defense. Traxler Counterattack Bishop sac line (C57) · 0-1

potolea_gedult_1974.pgn へのリンク

Grigory Serper vs Ioannis Nikolaidis
"The Usurper" (game of the day Jun-08-04)
St Petersburg Open 1993 · King's Indian Defense: Kramer Variation (E70) · 1-0
Joys of Chess – My favourite | Chess News

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Le Quang Liem vs Ian Nepomniachtchi
"Finding Nepo" (game of the day Mar-05-14)
Aeroflot Open (2008) · Semi-Slav Defense: Anti-Moscow Gambit (D44) · 0-1

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Joseph G Gallagher vs Stuart Conquest
"The English Conquest" (game of the day Mar-09-14)
BCF-ch 1988 ・ King's Gambit: Accepted. Fischer Defense (C34) ・ 0-1

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Eero Einar Book vs Ingerslev
"By the Book" (game of the day Apr-09-14)
Gothenburg 1929 · French Defense: Two Knights Variation (C00) · 1-0

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Joseph Henry Blake vs George Archer Hooke
"Off the Hooke" (game of the day May-21-10)
London - 1891 · Philidor Defense: Lopez Countergambit (C41) · 1-0
解説 GM Lubomir Kavalek/ The Huffington Post
Kavalek: Two immortal chess cavalcades | Chess News

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Cebalo, Miso–Vasyukov, Evgeny 1–0
A80 European Senior Team ch,06.04.2014
解説 GM Lubomir Kavalek/ The Huffington Post
Kavalek: Two immortal chess cavalcades | Chess News

CebaloMiso_VasyukovEvgeny_2014.pgn へのリンク

Joost van Ruitenburg vs Sandro Castellani
"A Random Walk Down Chess Street" (game of the day Apr-21-14)
ch-NED U20 2000 · Trompowsky Attack: Edge Variation (A45) · 1-0

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Egon Reichmann vs Heinz Ullrich
"Horsepower" (game of the day Apr-24-14)
Berlin (Germany) 1961 ·
Italian Game: Two Knights Defense. Traxler Counterattack Knight sac line (C57) · 0-1

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Franklin Knowles Young vs L Dore
"Dumb L Dore" (game of the day May-30-14)
Boston (1892) · Danish Gambit: General (C21) · 1-0

young_dore_1892.pgn へのリンク

Alexander McDonnell vs NN
"Dude, Where's My Rook?" (game of the day Jul-13-14)
Casual (1830) · Chess variants (000) · 1-0

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Julius Leigh Jacobsen vs William Crane
"Whooping Crane" (game of the day Jan-21-2018)
AUS-ch match (1897), Sydney AUS, Oct-28
Spanish Game: Morphy Defense. Mackenzie Variation (C77) · 1-0

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Julius Leigh Jacobsen(1862-1916)の全棋譜
Julius_Leigh_Jacobsen_All.pgn へのリンク

Georgy Lisitsin vs Viacheslav Ragozin
Leningrad, 1934 (1934)
French Defense: Two Knights Variation (C00) · 1-0

The Bishop Sacrifice on h7. A Forgotten Gem. -

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